Det er der flere årsager til, men en meget afgørende en er, at min egen bærbar gik helt og aldeles på røven i slutningen af januar. ALT er uden for min rækkevidde!!!
Johannes siger han kan flytte harddisken. Det håber jeg så inderligt, for der ligger så mange billeder, tegninger, tanker og jeg kan blive ved...
5 months have past by, since I last wrote a post.
There are many reasons, but a pretty
Time passes - five months have passed since I last wrote a post.
There are several reasons, but a very crucial one is that my laptop broke completely at the end of January. EVERYTHING is beyond my reach!
Johannes says he can move the hard disk. Which I sincerely hope, because there are so many pictures, drawings, thoughts, and I can go on...
Vi er i fuld gang med at arrangere Klaras 15 års fødselsdag.
Som en en slags udløber af manglen på egen PC og adgang til gamle billedarkiver, har jeg måttet ty til en gammel og omtrent glemt interesse - at lave collager i hånden.
Det har været en fornøjelse - at blive mindet om, at der findes områder, hvor adgangen til teknologiske hjælpemidler ikke nødvendigvis fremmer resultatet.
... et lille smugkig!
We are busy arranging Klara's 15th birthday.
As some sort of reaction of the lack of own PC and access to the old photo archives, I've had to resort to an old and almost forgotten interest - to create collages by hand.
It has been a pleasure - to be reminded that there are areas where access to assistive technology does not necessarily promote the result.
... a little sneak peek!
There are several reasons, but a very crucial one is that my laptop broke completely at the end of January. EVERYTHING is beyond my reach!
Johannes says he can move the hard disk. Which I sincerely hope, because there are so many pictures, drawings, thoughts, and I can go on...
Vi er i fuld gang med at arrangere Klaras 15 års fødselsdag.
Som en en slags udløber af manglen på egen PC og adgang til gamle billedarkiver, har jeg måttet ty til en gammel og omtrent glemt interesse - at lave collager i hånden.
Det har været en fornøjelse - at blive mindet om, at der findes områder, hvor adgangen til teknologiske hjælpemidler ikke nødvendigvis fremmer resultatet.
... et lille smugkig!
We are busy arranging Klara's 15th birthday.
As some sort of reaction of the lack of own PC and access to the old photo archives, I've had to resort to an old and almost forgotten interest - to create collages by hand.
It has been a pleasure - to be reminded that there are areas where access to assistive technology does not necessarily promote the result.
... a little sneak peek!
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